Stocktickr Interview

Posted by downtowntrader | 1/22/2007 09:30:00 AM | 3 comments »

I'm about to hit the road and make the drive back to Miami, so no trading today. For those that don't normally check out the Stocktickr blog, they gave me the opportunity in their Interview series. Check it out and let me know if anyone has comments or questions,




  1. esto // 1:43 PM  

    Great interview. Sounds like you're a very busy guy with 2 jobs and 2 kids! Best of luck in 2007.

  2. Anonymous // 10:55 PM  

    Great interview. I have been trading for about 8 years, the last 2 on a daily basis. Like you, I have a family and fulltime job. Although I love it, trading is definitely another job for me. At times I have considered a private trading blog for me and my family/trading buddies but I don't think I would have the time. How the heck do you do it all, plus the blog? How much time would you say you spend on research each night? About how much time reading other's blogs? Thanks,

  3. downtowntrader // 10:29 AM  

    Thanks estocastica. It can get crazy at times.

    Thanks for the compliment. I won't lie and say it's easy. As you're well aware, juggling work with trading can be difficult. It really is hard work to maintain a blog as well, but I guess it really depends on how much you want to put into it. Not all bloggers update every day, and if you are writing specifically for your family and friends, then you could probably get away with posting 2-3 times per week.

    I would say I spend about 1 1/2 hours each night on research and blog posting. I spend around 45 minutes going through my watchlist and digesting what occurred that day, and another 45 posting to the blog. Sometimes it drags out to 2-3 hours. I owe you a debt of gratitude for convincing me to try out telechart. That has cut back on my review and analysis time a great deal. I can whip through a bunch of charts a lot quicker then waiting for to refresh each page. The time consuming part of blogging is the annotating of charts and the upload process to blogger. If you stick to text only, the time spent is the time it takes you to gather your thoughts and post. I would say I only read a couple blogs per night. I try and read the rest throughout the day. I'll load them all in tabs on firefox and close them out as I read them.

    I have a supportive wife which makes it a lot easier, so I would say that may be an important factor as well. If you decide to blog, let me know as I would love to check it out.

